Backup configuration

Is there any possibility setup “automatic” (manual using cmd) backup application, configuration database and archive database? I preffer use cmd script for running backup - starting using taskmanager - regularly every day during night, or twice / thrice per a day.

Hello, it depends on using database platform for configuration database and archive database.
Also, you can use tools of D2000 - tell.exe for example:
D2000 tools, does not depended on DB platform

set uid=D2000 user
set pwd= password for D2000 user
set dba=db user
d2000_exe\tell.exe /TP /S192.168.11.2 uid=%uid% pwd=%pwd% cmd=“BACKUP SYSCFG /opt/d2000/_backup/syscfg”
tell.exe /TP /S192.168.11.2 uid=%uid% pwd=%pwd% cmd=“BACKUP LOGFILE /opt/d2000/_backup/logfile” ECHO - >> %strLog%

postgreSQL - backup script
pg_dump -h -Fc -p 5432 -U %dba% -d name_application_archive_self > name_appliaction_archive_self

Diro is right; moreover we have shell scripts for Linux-based installations (that is, for PostgreSQL databases); it is easy to use:

d2backup syscfg
d2backup logfile
d2backup archive

All configuration (name of application, names of databases) is in configuration script incl_d2backup.