I am trying to set up data logging in IPESOFT but am running into some issues. Specifically, I am having trouble configuring the data sources and getting the logs to appear as expected.
I have followed the documentation but still seem to be missing something. Has anyone here experienced similar issues or can provide a step-by-step guide on setting up data logging properly?
Hello miaco,
can you please be more specific?
Two things come to my mind when you say “data logging”:
Storing object values into a historical database via D2000 Archiv - a brief overview is in our Howto section on archiving.
Writing data into a generic SQL database via D2000 DbManager. Again, some overview is in our Howto section on working with databases.
You also mention “configuring data sources”. Storing data to a historical database doesn’t require any special configuration - you just create an application and create an Archive via D2000 Application manager as is described in our Howto section on creating an application.
Working with D2000 DbManager, however, requires you to create a DSN (via Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator). Here you have to be careful - use a 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator if you have a 32-bit DbManager (that is, if you downloaded and installed a 32-bit version of D2000). Otherwise, a 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator must be used for a 64-bit DbManager. This is a generic Windows feature - 64-bit programs work with 64-bit libraries (in our case, 64-bit database drivers used by a 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator).
I hope I directed you toward relevant sources of information. If not, please don’t hesitate to let me know!
Best regards,
(I also apologize for delay, but today is a state holiday in Slovakia; we celebrate an anniversary of Slovak national uprising in 1944)
I’m glad to hear that. I recommend going through the whole Tutorials/Howto section (and perhaps watching videos about configuring communications, archiving, structured variables, pictures, etc) to get a feel of how D2000 works.
Also the following three blogs can give you some architectural overview: