For more than 25 years, Ipesoft has been offering products and implementing projects that bring high added value to customers and partners. The implementation is based on a strong development team and the unique architecture of the D2000 system. In projects where D2000 technology uses dozens of communication protocols from various PLCs, integration to the process level of automation and other communication interfaces, huge amounts of data are processed in real-time. The data archiving is a must for any company and the collected data is highly important for cost-effective production management and optimization. The past reality captured in archive databases helps the process and industrial engineers to analyze the course of the production process and to create more effective and accurate production plans. The D2000 Historian + Depository process brings a huge array of options created precisely to handle the archiving of a large amounts of real-time data from the industry processes. It supports various operating modes to ensure high availability without any loss of archived data. From the very beginning, the archiving processes of D2000 platform were designed for continuous and unlimited archiving with the possibility to store remote history on offline media (Depository). Said features are especially beneficial for mission critical and zero downtime applications. The D2000 platform provides a significant advantage for developing MES and balance systems, because it archives not only the primary data but also other types of (derived) data, such as statistics and statistical archives and calculated archives (of course also with the possibility of recalculation).
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