Hello, I would like to ask what this report means:
RD: SBS process SRVTED02 BROADCAST.lastUpdateTime (NC) = 22-05-2019 09: 42: 36.973 valueTime process = 15-05-2019 09: 39: 18.572
It is an internal control mechanism that only generates a report.
A report is generated if the kernel in the HS state does not receive a regular broadcast from the SBS, but nevertheless the appropriate KNL process is in the RUN state (that is, if everything is OK and yet the broadcast has not arrived).
The timeout that HS expects to broadcast is given by the value of RD_TIMEOUT_iStartingKernelToSBS.
The SBS sends a broadcast at a frequency that is given by the value of the RD_TIMEOUT_iElection parameter.
Normally, it should not occur.