User flags of the Line's value

I need this information please: when is the FLA flag (user flag A) set to value on TCP-IP lines with OEM protocol?

For the full explanation of communication lines values, see the Values (Communication Lines) document. It also contains the description of flags on the TCP/IP-TCP lines:

  • Line category TCP/IP-TCP and communication protocol IEC 870-5-104 Server: flags inform about connected clients. For a detailed description see the note in the description of the protocol.
  • Line category TCP/IP-TCP or TCP/IP-TCP Redundant and multiple client communication protocols (e.g. IEC 870-5-104, MODBUS Client, DLMS/COSEM, Siemens SAPHIR, OEM protocols): flags inform about connection to the specified IP address (FA - 1st address, FB - 2nd address, etc).